5th Avenue Fashionista - Gold - Paparazzi
5th Avenue Flash - Silver - Paparazzi
5th Avenue Flirtation - Red
5th Avenue Frenzy - Blue
5th Avenue Romance - Orange
90s Nostalgia - Copper
90s Nostalgia - Gold
A Bull House - Yellow
A Chic Clique - Purple
A DIAMOND a Dozen - White
A DREAMSCAPE Come True - Purple
A FLARE For Fierceness - Brass FF May 2021
A Force To BEAM Reckoned With - Brass
A FROND Farewell - Copper
A HOLE Lot of Trouble - Copper
A HOLE Lot of Trouble - Gold
A HOLE Lot of Trouble - Silver
A Hundred and ZEN Percent - Green
A La Vogue - Red
A Little Lovestruck - Red
A Little Lovestruck - Yellow
A Love For Luster - Red
A MANDALA Of The People - Gold