Very Vineyard - Silver
Very VIP - Pink
Vibrant Verve - Blue
Vibrant Verve - Purple
Vintage Romance - Silver
Vintage Romance - Yellow
Vividly Vintage - Yellow
Vogue Garden-Variety - Purple
Volcanic Vacay - Silver
Waikiki Wonderland - Blue
Waikiki Wonderland - Red
WANDER-struck Style - Multi
Wanderlust Wanderess - Brown
Welcome to the Color Wheel - Purple
West Coast Wanderer - Red
West Wishes - Copper
Western Odyssey - Orange
Western Quest - Red
What Do You Pro-POSIES - Blue
What Do You Pro-POSIES - Orange
Wheeling and Dealing - Rose Gold
Whimsically Whirly - Blue
Whimsically Whirly - Orange
Whimsically Winging It - Brown