Paparazzi Y2K Year - Black Necklace
Paparazzi You Hold My Heart - White Necklace
Paparazzi You Win My Heart - White Bracelet
Paparazzi Youthful Yearbook - Blue Ring
Paparazzi Youthful Yearbook - Purple Ring
Paparazzi ♥ Romantic Relic - Gold ♥ Earrings
Paparazzy Girly Gathering - Pink Necklace
Perennial Proverbs - Silver
Prismatically Twitterpated - Silver
Rodeo Romance - Yellow
Romantic Ragtime - Red Necklace
Romeo Romance - Brown
Rustic Heartthrob - Brass
Soft-Hearted Shimmer - Red
Stone Age Admirer - Purple
Super Mom - Pink
The Real Boss - Gold
Triple The Beat - Pink
True Love Trinket - Gold
Unbreak My Heart - Black
Vintage Heartthrob - Multi
Wholeheartedly Whimsical - Red